EU Partnership on Innovative SMEs / Eurostars
Flemish partners in a EU Partnership on Innovative SMEs / Eurostars consortium must submit a shortened VLAIO project application (development or research project) before the international cut-off deadline. The most important elements of this shortened VLAIO application are
- budget of the Flemish partners in a VLAIO budget template format
- innovation goal in Dutch
- project impact description
- challenges and risks for the activities of the Flemish partner
- declarations and financial information.
For more info see guideline VLAIO application for a Eurostars project.
What is Eurostars?
Eurostars is part of the European Partnership on Innovative SMEs. The partnership is co-funded by the European Union through Horizon Europe.
EU Partnership on Innovative SMEs / Eurostars is a European innovation programme set up by EUREKA in collaboration with the European Commission. EU Partnership on Innovative SMEs / Eurostars focuses on research-intensive SMEs, and assumes the 'bottom-up' principle: EU Partnership on Innovative SMEs / Eurostars puts SMEs in the driving seat, supports small consortia, and promotes market-oriented projects in themes that the SMEs themselves determine. Every year, two calls are launched.
Who is eligible?
A research-intensive SME, in the role of consortium project leader, is an SME according to the European SME definition, with at least 10% of its turnover or personnel in research and/or development activities.
Funding within the framework of EU Partnership on Innovative SMEs / Eurostars is granted by Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship (VLAIO) to all companies located in Flanders (from SME to subsidiary of a multinational) and collaborating research centres, universities and colleges. Companies must have their operational headquarters in Flanders where employment and economic activity is taking place. The possibility of valorization or application of the research results in Flanders is important. All types of companies can apply, except for self-employed persons, practitioners of liberal professions or national monopolies. All sectors and applications are allowed, but research with military affinity cannot be funded.
The project as a whole must comply with the Eurostars eligibility criteria.
Which projects are eligible?
A EU Partnership on Innovative SMEs / Eurostars consortium consist out of at least two independent partners from two EU Partnership on Innovative SMEs / Eurostars member countries A research-intensive SME must be the consortium leader, and all research-intensive SME’s account for at least 50% of the budget.
We define an innovative SME as any SMEs with the ambition to collaborate on R&D and innovation with international partners to develop new products, processes and services for European and global markets. Innovative SMEs do not need to have a proven track record of R&D activities.
The consortium submits one project proposal, which is evaluated centrally. However, the funding is granted by the individual Eurostars member states that follow the central recommendation for funding. In the Flanders Region the funding regulations of Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship (VLAIO) are applied.
Amount of funding?
Project applications in the framework of EU Partnership on Innovative SMEs / Eurostars will eventually be funded according to the regulations of Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship (VLAIO).
For most projects the basic support percentage will be increased with a top-up of 15% due to the international character of the project (provided there is sufficient balance between the partners, and there is at least 1 partner from another Member State of the European Union). The maximum funding a EU Partnership on Innovative SMEs / Eurostars project is € 500.000 for all Flemish partners together.
What is the application procedure?
While the consortium is preparing its EU Partnership on Innovative SMEs / Eurostars project proposal, the Flemish partners in the consortium are requested to contact VLAIO to book an information meeting (contact person see below). This information meeting is mandatory. During the meeting VLAIO will explain the specific aspects of the EU Partnership on Innovative SMEs / Eurostars procedure for Flemish applicants, and will help the applicants with preparing their project proposal.
Flemish partners in a EU Partnership on Innovative SMEs / Eurostars consortium must submit a shortened VLAIO project application (development or research project) before the international cut-off deadline. The most important elements of this shortened VLAIO application are (i) budget of the Flemish partners in a VLAIO budget template format, (ii) innovation goal in Dutch, (iii) project impact description, (iv) challenges and risks for the activities of the Flemish partner, (v) declarations and financial information. For more info see guideline VLAIO application for a Eurostars project.
For every company in a Eurostars consortium a financial analysis will be made to verify if the company is not an undertaking in difficulties and has the financial capacity to undertake their part in the project.
EU Partnership on Innovative SMEs / Eurostars uses a central submission and evaluation procedure. The project leader submits a single project proposal, together with all consortium partners. The project proposals are assessed by technical experts and a central evaluation panel. This results in a ranked list for allocation of the funding by each country. This ranking is strictly followed by the member states for allocating their funding, and this takes place until exhaustion of the available funding budget. This evaluation period takes about 14 weeks.
When a project is recommended for funding, the partners must complete and finalize their shortened VLAIO project application. Based on this application, and the VLAIO funding rules, the support percentage is determined.
Contact details
The EU Partnership on Innovative SMEs / Eurostars website provides an overview of the programme, contacts from the Member States, a manual and submission forms and information about the call data. Events organized by the network can also be found at
VLAIO contact persons for EU Partnership on Innovative SMEs / Eurostars:
- Frederik De Vusser,, T +32 2 432 42 98
- Patricia Menten, T +32 2 432 43 29