Shockwaves in foreign markets: how to mitigate financial risks?

Webinar about how to manage spicy inflation, rising interest rates, declining purchasing power, rising energy costs, high raw material costs and high volatility of exchange rates.

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About this webinar

During this webinar, Professor Criekemans, Associate Professor in International Relations and Specialist in Geopolitics at the University of Antwerp will share his geopolitical analysis on this crisis for you to better understand the international-political issues, while Peter Vanden Houtte, Chief economist at ING will tell you what this crisis means for the financial markets, and Joost Derks of IBAN FIRST will share his insights on how to hedge against such financial risks as a company.


10.00u Welcome & Introduction by Julie Deré, Secretary General of ICC Belgium
10.05u Understanding the international political issues- a geopolitical overview by David Criekemans, Associate    
Professor in International Relations and Specialist in Geopolitics at the University of Antwerp
10.25u What does this crisis mean for the financial markets? By Peter Vanden Houte, Chief economist at ING
10.45u Most expensive raw materials due to weak euro but why do some companies suffer more than others? By 
Joost Derks, Currency expert at IBAN FIRST NL
11.15u Q&A
11.25u Conclusion by Petra Van Bouwelen, International Business Development Manager at Voka – Chamber of 
Commerce Mechelen-Kempen
11.30u End

Target group

Companies that would like to get an overview of the current situation, both geopolitical and financial, and find out how to mitigate financial risks.

Practical information

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  • Deze prijs is mede mogelijk dankzij de financiële steun van VLAIO (Agentschap Innoveren & Ondernemen).
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