VLAIO supports foreign investors

Advice and support to suit your ambitions

Make an appointment

Make an appointment with one of our Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship business advisors. They will support and advise you in realising your plans, growth ambitions or business transformation. Or check for yourself on this website which information, subsidies or guidance we can offer. 

Following a thorough analysis, we will help you to consolidate your strengths and improve any weaknesses. In doing so, our business advisors will look at your product or service, your market, your funding, your competences, your network and your research and development potential.

Ideas, plans, ambitions 

How sound is your business plan and are you targeting every opportunity? What is required to effectively realise your growth? And is the whole innovation and transformation process clear to you? Are you looking for specific knowledge to help with a technological problem? Are you combining the appropriate forces to make your plans a success? 

What exactly does your business model look like at present? And are there some possible variations? How should you create value in your business? And can you make improvements in an efficient and sustainable manner? How ambitious are you? And do you have that transformation or innovation process totally under control? 

Individual, independent coaching 

Our business advisors will set to work with such questions to gain a good understanding of your individual situation. What are your strengths? Where are there still weaknesses? And above all: how can we reinforce the latter? Our business advisors offer a second pair of critical eyes to help clarify your plans with their expertise and experience. They act as a critical sounding board and identify business opportunities. Using insightful workshops they divide the innovation process into clear and bite-sized chunks. 

The market 

Is your product or service making the most of existing market needs? Do you have sufficient insight into potential market barriers? Do you have a clear view of your Go-to-Market? We will take a look at this with you. 

Who are your customers and how do they experience your brand, your products and/or services? Do they feel like the king or could you spoil them a little more? How is it best to reach them? What does your phased plan look like for conquering the market? 


It’s great to have ideas and ambitions. But how do you really make them come true? And how do you ensure that a gap in the market effectively becomes a market? Which potential customers should you pick first to approach with your service or product. What are you all the things you need in order to achieve your goal? A website? And what if customers suddenly start ordering like crazy? 

Our business advisors will take a critical and independent look at your plans, and know which partners, training, expertise can help you. Following a detailed analysis, they will refer you to a wide network of experts and consultants who can enhance and reinforce your business case. They will immediately check whether you qualify for subsidies with this referral. 

Team & collaboration 

How strong and diverse is your team? Do you wish to strengthen it with strategic profiles in order to achieve your plans? There are also people outside your enterprise who can contribute to the success of your project. 

Change is teamwork 

“You are only as strong as your weakest link”. This knowledge applies in the business world too. Growth, innovation and change put great pressure on an enterprise. That’s why we discuss the strength of your team together? Whether you have all the expertise and competences available to realise your ambitions. Whether you wish to recruit strategic talent, need technological profiles to extend your competences. 

Cooperation pays off 

There is so much involved in growth, transformation or innovation and we know from experience that - especially in our network economy - you don’t have to do it all alone. Team Business Trajectories navigates you through the extensive Flemish knowledge landscape in your search for specific knowledge, know-how and expertise. To support your innovation plans or growth ambition we put you in touch with a wide network of more than 1,000 highly-trained employees, distributed over more than 200 knowledge institutions, including universities and colleges. Not only do we make use of the (technological) expertise in the Flemish Innovation network, we also look much further for possible matches with other enterprises or experts. 

Companies who look ahead are stronger and therefore quicker to respond to market needs. By setting up partnership deals, ambitious ideas mature more quickly. 

Financial strength 

How great is your enterprise’s financial strength to co-fund a growth or transformation project? Together we will look at how, where and when you can make use of financial aid measures. 

Do you have an innovative idea? Ambitious growth plans? Are you about to make a large investment? And do you wish to know whether you qualify for financial aid from Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship? Are you looking for support and guidance in developing your subsidy file? 

Tailored funding advice 

Our experienced business advisors will join you in looking at your enterprise’s financial strength. Do you have enough of your own financial resources to become involved in co-funding? If so, they will assess whether your project qualifies for a subsidy. In that case they will guide you through your subsidy request from A to Z. They will support you in creating the request and also with the end report. Equally, they will remain a sounding board for your team during the course of the actual project.

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