
Innovation mandates

Amount of an innovation mandate

An innovation mandate provides funding for the staffing costs, the overhead costs and the operational costs in relation to one specific employee (the mandate holder).


An innovation mandate provides funding for the salary costs, the overhead and the operational costs in relation to one specific employee (the mandate holder). The standard rules of the VLAIO cost model apply a priori. The sum of the non-pay-roll costs (= overhead + operational costs) is maximum €50,000 per FTE (full-time equivalent).

At the end of the project, the consortium must be able to prove its expenses if requested by VLAIO.

Support percentage 

The amount of the subsidy is based on the approved budget and depends on the type and the phase of the mandate.

  • Innovation mandates leading to the establishment of a spin-off company (spin-off mandates): 
    • The main objective of this type of innovation mandates is to establish a spin-off developing an industrial activity in Flanders. The mandates are 100% funded by VLAIO for up to 2 years. The mandate stops the moment the spin-off is established. There will be a cooperation with an industrial mentor (possibly several) who will be involved in a coaching role (this can also include venture capital funds and consultancy firms).  
  • Innovation mandates involving cooperation with existing companies: These innovation mandates may consist of 2 phases: 
    • Exceptionally, a first phase of up to 12 months can be supported by a 100% subsidy to the university/ knowledge centre. This is a stage during which more research is required to assess the feasibility in a business context. All the parties together will define milestones and the thereto related scientific objectives which should be achieved within one year at the latest. 
    • A second phase of up to 24 months in which a company is the applicant and is responsible for the strategic orientation of the research and provides co-financing. The funding percentage depends on the size of the company and equals 50% for a large company, 60% for a medium-sized company and 70% for a small company (SE). The project can get 10% extra support if there is a well-balanced cooperation between several independent companies of which none of the companies contributes more than 70% of the cost and at least one partner is an SME. VLAIO pays the subsidy to the company responsible for the full reimbursement of its partners.  

Mandates starting with phase 1 shall proceed to phase 2 after 6 months or after 12 months at the latest. The total project can run over 24 months or a maximum of 36 months. Phase 2 should start immediately after phase 1 (no discontinuity for the mandate holder). Where the mandate does not proceed to phase 2, it stops after phase 1 (phase 1 cannot be extended). 

It is also possible for a mandate to be co-financed by a company from the start, i.e. it begins directly in Phase 2. These projects are also granted for two or three years. 

In particular, if the company also contributes its own knowledge/ models/ tools, an immediate start with Phase 2 is highly recommended. 

The application should clearly indicate which type of mandate has been chosen. There are different application forms available corresponding to the different types of mandates. 

