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AAL (Active Assisted Living)

The main objective of the Active & Assisted Living Joint Programme (AAL) is to improve the quality of life of older adults and enable them to live their lives independently and in their own homes, even if they have to cope with physical or mental problems. Secondly, the programme will support the European economic and industrial base. AAL solutions are based on the wishes and needs of older adults, their families/ informal carers as well as professionals. They must be involved at all stages of the programme, as well as relevant other stakeholders.

AAL is phasing out and is bound to end by 2027 the latest.

AAL call 2021 was the last call for projects.

The AAL website will remain active and other activities supporting active AAL projects and the AAL community will continue till the end. More info on AAL website. For specific information on AAL please contact, T +32 2 432 42 44.

