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Subsidies for international cooperation related to innovation and R&D

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CELTIC Next is a EUREKA cluster project. The main objective of CELTIC concerns R&D activities related to telecommunication techniques, systems and services. The aim is to determine and test a "converged" network in which the fixed telephony network, the mobile network and the internet are accommodated in one single infrastructure (Ipv6-based), so that Quality of Service (QoS) and high reliability are obtained.

CELTIC Next organises an annual call for projects. Participants are first asked to submit Project Outlines (POs), after which those who submitted the selected POs are asked to submit a Full Project Proposal (FPP). Information about this programme, the European provisions for submitting projects and the timing of the calls is available on the CELTIC website.

The Flemish project proposals are submitted through the subsidy channels development project or research project. We expect the contributions of all involved Flemish partners to be combined in one single application. The submission is made through the VLAIO online platform (see 'request' button for the participating grants). This can be done in parallel with the procedure for obtaining the CELTIC Next label.

The Flemish sub-project is eligible for extra support for cooperation if:

  • the project obtains the CELTIC Next label
  • the partners have submitted a signed international Consortium Agreement
  • at least two Member States of the European Union participate in the project
  • none of the companies has to account for more than 70% of the eligible costs of the cooperation project

Any specific questions about Celtic Next? Contact

