Beeld uit onderzoekslabo

Subsidies for international cooperation related to innovation and R&D

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ERA-MIN3 is an ERA-NET Co-fund that was set up to strengthen the coordination of research and innovation programmes in the field of non-energy and non-agricultural raw materials (building materials, industrial and metallic minerals).

Through the implementation of three joint calls for transnational research and innovation projects, ERA-MIN3 will support demand-driven research into primary and secondary resources, and the replacement of critical raw materials in the context of a circular economy approach.

Composition consortium

ERA-MIN3 is a pan-European network of public research and innovation funding agencies from member states of the EU countries / regions (Belgium-Flanders, Belgium-Walonie, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Spain - Navarra, Sweden), the associate member Turkey, and non-EU countries (Canada and South Africa).


ERA-MIN3 is an ERA-NET Co-fund that runs from December 2020 to November 2025.

Committed programmes

Flanders Innovation and Entrepreneurship participates in the programmes research project and development project.

Target audience

Flemish companies (both SMEs and large companies) that want to carry out a challenging and risky R & D project together with foreign companies and / or knowledge institutes can submit a project proposal. A project consortium consists of at least 3 partners from 2 different ERA-MIN2 countries / regions (with regions in different countries). Specific eligibility criteria and support conditions apply to each country or region. Please contact the funding agencies in each country or region where support is requested prior to submission.

More information?

Documents for submission

Follow the online application procedure as given on the VLAIO website under "Subsidies & financing" of a "research project" or a "development project". Do not forget to indicate that your project is part of an international project application!

A specific question about ERA-MIN2? Contact, T +32 2 432 42 78

