Beeld uit onderzoekslabo

Subsidies for international cooperation related to innovation and R&D

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EURIPIDES is the fusion of the two independent EUREKA Clusters EURIMUS II and PIDEA +.

  • EURIMUS (= EUREKA Industrial Initiative for Microsystems) projects are related to "Micro System Technologies", in which microsensors, microactuators and signal processing are combined in one housing and microtechnology is used to realise them.
  • The PIDEA projects were joint R&D initiatives relating to packaging and interconnecting integrated circuits in the ICT world.

In EURIPIDES these two action areas are combined. You will find a description of the technology domain in the 'White Book' that is available on the EURIPIDES Website, together with information about this programme, the European provisions for submitting projects and the call dates.

The Flemish project proposals are submitted through the subsidy channels development project or research project. We expect that the contributions of all Flemish partners involved are combined in one application. The submission is made through the VLAIO online platform (see 'request' button for the participating grants). This can be done in parallel with the procedure for obtaining the EURIPIDES label.

The Flemish sub-project is eligible for extra support for cooperation if:

  • the project obtains the EURIPIDES label
  • the partners have submitted a signed international Consortium Agreement
  • at least two Member States of the European Union participate in the project
  • none of the companies has to account for more than 70% of the eligible costs of the cooperation project

Any specific questions about EURIPIDES? Contact

