Beeld uit onderzoekslabo

Subsidies for international cooperation related to innovation and R&D

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ICT-AGRI-FOOD is an ERA-NET-Cofund that aims to enable digital technology solutions for a transition towards sustainable, resilient and transparent agri-food systems. These solutions make use of data from all across the food chain to deliver benefits for all actors. Empowered consumers more specifically will make smarter, more sustainable, healthier and more personal food and dietary choices, taking into account data regarding environmental impact, origin, nutrition, safety and integrity. 

Composition consortium?

  • Belgium (ILVO, VLAIO en FWO)
  • Austria (BMNT)
  • Bulgary (BNSF)
  • Denmark (DASHE en DAFA)
  • Germany (BLE, BMEL, BMBF en JUELICH)
  • Estonia (MEM en ETAg)
  • Finland (MMM)
  • France (ANR en Brittany)
  • Greece (GRNET en GSRT)
  • Hongary (NKFIH en  33) 
  • Ireland (TEAGASC en DAFM)
  • Israel (ISERD)
  • Italy (MIPAAF)
  • Latvia (VIAA)
  • the Netherlands (LNV)
  • Norway (RCN)
  • Poland (NCBR)
  • Romania (UFISCDI)
  • Spain (CTA)
  • Sweden (FORMAS)
  • Switserland (FOAG)
  • Turkey (TAGEM en TÜBITAK)


The ICT-AGRI-FOOD ERA-NET runs from 1 October 2019 until 30 September 2024. It is both a sequel and an extension to the ICT-AGRI-2 ERA-NET that ran from 1 January 2014 until 31 December 2018. 

VLAIO programmes

VLAIO participates with:

Target audience

The target audience is large. All Flemish companies (both sme and large) and knowledge centers that can contribute to data-driven agri-food-systems can contribute.

More information?, T +32 493 31 69 46

