Beeld uit onderzoekslabo

Subsidies for international cooperation related to innovation and R&D

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What is this?

MarTERA is an ERA-NET COFUND (H2020) network stimulating the cooperation between European innovation actors (both academic and industrial) in the sectors of marine and maritime technologies, and blue growth.

What is the composition of the consortium?

The network consists of 18 public innovation funding agencies from 16 countries.

The consortium for a MarTERA innovation project should contain at least two independent partners from two different participating countries. For each country or region, specific eligibility criteria apply. Before submitting a proposal, all potential project partners should contact their local funding agency to ensure the eligibility of the organization and the projected innovation actions.

The MarTERA network runs from 1 December 2016 until 30 November 2021, and continues the experience from the previous MARTEC I and II networks.

What funding programmes are involved?

VLAIO participates in MarTERA with the programmes for industrial research and development projects.

For the activities of the Flemish partners, the project proposals should conform to the eligibility criteria corresponding to these programmes.

What is the process?

MartERA proposal evaluation is a two-phase process. The project coordinator of the international project should submit a pre-proposal to MarTERA by a fixed deadline. At the same time, Flemish partners requesting funding should submit an Annex to VLAIO. The templates are available through the links below. After eligibility check by the funding organizations involved, the consortia of the selected proposals are invited to submit a full proposal for evaluation by MarTERA.

What is the target group?

The MartERA target group broadly aims at enterprises and research organizations, willing to engage in challenging and risky R&D with foreign partners. Flemish participants requesting funding from VLAIO should comply with the rules of the involved VLAIO funding programmes. This includes the requirement for an applicant to be an enterprise undertaking operational activities in Flanders, and able to sufficiently create project results in Flanders.

More information?

Documents for application

The document templates are available at:

Do you have any specific questions on MarTERA? Please contact, T +32 2 432 42 40

