Beeld uit onderzoekslabo

Subsidies for international cooperation related to innovation and R&D

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SMART is an industry-driven EUREKA cluster programme for advanced manufacturing. The aim is to promote collaborative, international and close-to-market R&D&I projects.

SMART organises an annual project call. This involves first asking for project outlines (POs) to be submitted, after which the selected POs are asked to submit a full project proposal (FPP). Information about this programme, the European modalities that must be fulfilled in order to submit projects and the timing of the calls is available on the SMART website.

The corresponding Flemish project proposals should be submitted in accordance with the general instructions for submitting a development or research project to VLAIO. The contributions of all the Flemish partners involved must be bundled into a single Flemish application.

The Flemish sub-project is eligible for additional collaboration support if:

  • the project is granted the SMART label (further information on the SMART website)
  • the partners have submitted a signed international consortium agreement
  • at least two EU Member States are participating in the project
  • none of the companies have to bear more than 70% of the eligible costs of the collaboration project

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