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Smart Grids Plus


The ERA-Net Smart Grids Plus is an initiative of 20 European countries and regions. Its purpose is to encourage the most effective market design, the most suitable technologies, and the best adoption of those technologies by customers and stakeholders. This objective is in line with Europe's vision on smart electricity grids: electricity grids that integrate both renewable energy and flexible customer demand,  and production technologies that contribute to shaping an electricity grid with a highly reliable supply combined with low greenhouse gas emissions at a feasible price.

The initiative contributes to the realization of European R&D agendas such as the EEGI Innovation Roadmap 2013-2022, the ENTSO-E R&D Implementation Plan 2015-17, the ENTSO-E R&D Roadmap 2013-2022, and the ETP Smart Grids Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) 2035.

Composition of the Consortium?

  • Austria (FFG – Austrian Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and technology / The Austrian Research Promotion Agency)
  • Croatia (FZOEU – Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund)
  • Denemark (ENDK –
  • Finland (TEKES – Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation)
  • Belgium - Flanders (Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship (VLAIO))
  • Belgium - Wallonia (SPW – Public Service of Wallonia)
  • Latvia (LAS – Latvian Academy of Sciences)
  • Norway (RCN – Research Council of Norway)
  • Switzerland (DETEC – Swiss Federal Office of Energy)
  • France (ADEME – Agence de l’Environment et de la Maîtrise de l’Energie)
  • Germany (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH)
  • Portugal (FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology)
  • Romania (UEFISCDI - Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding)
  • Scotland (Scottisch Enterprise)
  • Slovenia (MZIP - Ministry of the Infrastructure and Spatial Planning, Directorate for Energy)
  • Poland (NCBR - National Centre for Research and Development)
  • Spain (CDTI - Centre for Industrial Technological Development)
  • Sweden (SWEA-STEM - Swedish Energy Agency)
  • Netherlands (NWO - The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research)
  • Turkey (TUBITAK - The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey)


The ERA-Net Smart Grids Plus runs from 1st January 2015 until 31st December 2019.

Committed programs?

Flanders Innovation and Entrepreneurship participates in research projects and development projects

Target group?

Flemish companies (both SMEs and large companies) who want to implement a challenging R&D project together with foreign companies and/or knowledge institutions can submit a project proposal. A project consortium consists of at least 2 partners from 2 different ERA-Net Smart Grid Plus countries/regions (regions must be located in different countries). Specific eligibility criteria and funding modalities apply for each country or region. Potential partners are asked to contact the funding agencies in their country or region prior to submission.

More information at

Do you have a specific question about Smart Grids Plus? Email or call +32 2 432 42 49

Samenstelling van het consortium

  • Oostenrijk (FFG – Austrian Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and technology / The Austrian Research Promotion Agency)
  • Kroatië (FZOEU – Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund)
  • Denemarken (ENDK –
  • Finland (TEKES – Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation)
  • België - Vlaanderen (VLAIO)
  • België - Wallonië (SPW – Public Service of Wallonia)
  • Letland (LAS – Latvian Academy of Sciences)
  • Noorwegen (RCN – Research Council of Norway)
  • Switzerland (DETEC – Swiss Federal Office of Energy)
  • Frankrijk (ADEME – Agence de l’Environment et de la Maîtrise de l’Energie)
  • Duitsland (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH)
  • Portugal (FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology)
  • Romenië (UEFISCDI - Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding)
  • Schotland (Scottisch Enterprise)
  • Slovenië (MZIP - Ministry of the Infrastructure and Spatial Planning, Directorate for Energy)
  • Polen (NCBR - National Centre for Research and Development)
  • Spanje (CDTI - Centre for Industrial Technological Development)
  • Zweden (SWEA-STEM - Swedish Energy Agency)
  • Nederland (NWO - The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research)
  • Turkije (TUBITAK - The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey)


Het ERA-Net Smart Grids Plus loopt van 1 januarie 2015 tot 31 december 2019.

Deelnemende programma's

VLAIO neemt deel met de subsidies onderzoeksproject en ontwikkelingsproject.


Vlaamse bedrijven (zowel kmo's als grote ondernemingen) die een uitdagen O&O project willen aangaan met buitenlandse ondernemingen en/of kennisinstellingen kunnen een projectvoorstel indienen. Een project consortuim bestaat uit minstens twee partners van twee verschillende regio's of landen (regio's moeten in verschillende landen liggen). Specifieke voorwaarden en subsidiemogelijkheden zijn van toepassing voor elk land of regio. Potentiële partners worden gevraagd om contact op te nemen met de subsidiërende instanties in hun land of regio. 

Meer informatie op

Een specifieke vraag over Smart Grids Plus? Mail of bel +32 2 432 42 49

