In the PIP project ‘Tool for innovative leak detection and leak localisation with (existing) data’, AquaFlanders wants to have a tool developed that uses various available and useful data sources to localise leaks and illegal use of water (non-revenue water or NRW) and to detect other problems in the existing water distribution network. An NRW ecosystem has already been launched, in which the drinking water industry aims to join forces with suppliers and knowledge institutes to accelerate innovative solutions towards market-ready solutions. In March 2024, the preparation process for this PIO project started under the guidance of the consultancy firm Verhaert.
Its aim is, on the one hand, to further support and expand the NRW ecosystem. The consultants are expected to provide insights related to other, new parties that can join the NRW ecosystem. Part of the preparation process is also the organisation of a new NRW event bringing together various market players. Through this event, the DMAs and data sources will be tested with the market. We also encourage cross-pollination and cooperation within the NRW ecosystem.
Besides organising the NRW event, it was also asked to provide advice on further data processing and to explore how partners within AquaFlanders can further engage with the results of a public tender in order to eventually find a number of partners who can work with multiple Proof-of-Concepts (DMAs).
Through a number of workshops, the data sources available and the current leak detection process were mapped out. Through an NRW event on 7 October 2024, various market players were involved and a first seed was planted for further cooperation within the NRW ecosystem.
The outcome of the workshops and the NRW event (market consultation) is summarized in the report by Verhaert.
You can find Verhaert's report below