Accelerating energy transition through wind


Partners - pilot sites

During the second half of 2018, the VEB found project partners with an interest in small and medium-sized wind turbines (KMWT) and with potentially interesting test sites.

The partners have a variety of sites that would be eligible for KMWT, but of which it was not fully known in 2019 whether and to what extent they would be interesting as test sites.

In order to arrive at a relevant test environment for Flanders (set of representative test sites), preparatory study work was needed.

A model for KMWT in Flanders

First of all, relevant parameters had to be defined that, in their interrelationship, could form a useful framework, model or map for KMWT in Flanders.  This model could be established in a conceptual phase based on the available data. Measurement campaigns and monitoring of the pilot sites could then serve to further refine and update this model.

In addition, feasibility studies had to be carried out for the various candidate pilot sites.

Feasibility studies as an intrinsic part of renewable energy project procurement

For any investment in renewable energy, preparation is an important part. This is certainly true for wind energy. Flanders is a densely built-up area and wind potential is not present everywhere in sufficient quantities. In addition, wind projects are still sensitive projects among citizens (local residents) or other stakeholders.

These feasibility studies are also a crucial preparation for, and provide the necessary information for (1) the permit application (where the legal framework is not clear or existing everywhere and where one often encounters protests) and later also for (2) the specifications for tendering the installation of the turbines (what type, what number, maintenance, what cost, what efficiency, etc.).

The feasibility studies should also be carried out to select the right pilot sites and arrive at a relevant mix of test sites, from which we can learn to the maximum extent possible with a view to developing a new KMWT model for Flanders and subsequent scale-up within Flanders.

Tendering study work

This preliminary project (model development and feasibility studies) was the subject of a tender. The aim of this assignment was to arrive at a relevant and representative test environment for Flanders, but without installing the turbines yet. The latter will be done through other tender procedures. An additional facet of this assignment lies in the 'follow-up process'. By this we mean monitoring the results once the various wind turbines have been installed and are functioning. These results will allow the Flemish model or map for KMWT to be refined. In the longer term, public and private organisations can then use this model to check in a relatively simple way whether they have potential for KMWT as an organisation.
