Alternative Use of Imaging Systems through Artificial Intelligence (ALTRUIS)


The twofold task (1) set-up of a Proof Of Concept (POC) with the basic infrastructure for (camera) image analysis on edge devices and (2) elaboration of two use cases was carried out and delivered by Rombit NV.

Digipolis explored the possibilities of a next phase ('testing and validation of working AI prototypes') of ALTRUIS, with initially the further maturation of the basic solution (POC) developed by Rombit NV and then a possible scale-up to a production-ready solution.

However, due to (internal) reorganisation and budgetary constraints, Digipolis decided not to set up the next phase of ALTRUIS. As a PIO project, ALTRUIS has therefore been completed. However, the Antwerp Port Authority, with which Digipolis had entered into a partnership in the framework of ALTRUIS, is continuing with ALTRUIS and is having the POC further developed by Rombit NV to obtain insights into vessel traffic movements. This will continue outside the PIO.
