Automatic mooring and unmooring of coastal ferries in Ostend


DAB Fleet of the Agency for Maritime Services and Coast is an important actor in the provision of public waterborne passenger transport and automobility at various locations in Flanders.

Three coastal ferries operate in the Ostend harbor channel. The current docking procedure requires the skipper to manually steer the coastal ferry close to the pontoon in order to dock, which is not easy in heavy swells and can lead to extra maneuvers and additional fuel (or electricity) consumption, risk of collision with the pontoon and unpleasant shocks to passengers and crew members. When docking, the vessel is secured in one place with a mooring rope to a bollard. After docking and tying the mooring rope, permanent propulsion is required to keep the spring in place which causes additional fuel (or electricity) consumption.

Together with PIO, Fleet is looking for an innovative automated system for docking and mooring (without mooring ropes) that grabs the ferry, pulls and holds it against the pontoon when docking and performs the reverse action when disembarking.

In addition to increased comfort and safety for the crew and public, an automated system will also provide increased stability of ferry and pontoon, allowing for easier and more frequent charging of the electric ferry.
