Creation and management of semantic OTL relations


Together with the AWV, under the guidance of the consultancy firm Addestino, a preliminary project was started in spring 2021 with the final goal of obtaining a widely applicable solution for the creation and management of semantic OTL relationships between objects across different models, data sources and software packages.

Concretely, the following objectives were defined for the preliminary project: defining & prioritizing functional and technical needs for both internal and external users; analysis of the possible technical solutions with their added value and the associated risks indicated; defining the operational model including stimulating the local ecosystems in using the OTL standard.

This was fleshed out through consultations with the AWV core team, several workshops with internal AWV stakeholders and as well as a market consultation that took place on Oct. 7.

The presentation used as a guideline at the market consultation and the final report on the preparation process that was completed at the end of December can be found under documents.

