Digital tool for persons with early-onset dementia and their surroundings


To bring the challenge into sharper focus, a preparatory process was initiated at the end of 2022 in collaboration with Addestino Innovation Management.

In a first faze, several working sessions were organized with the involved organizations and experts to describe from a user point of view the desired functionalities for the app to be developed and to estimate the innovation potential.

An online market consultation was organized on May 17, 2023.  Here we focused on companies that have knowledge and experience in building and maintaining digital (web) applications, as well as providing guidance for user testing by the contracting party, during an iterative development.

About 50 participants from a total of 30 different companies were present during the market consultation.

The project and use cases were explained during the market consultation by means of a presentation, this presentation and the analysis of the preparatory process and the conclusions of the market consultation are available in the final report at documents.
