Innovative organization of floating debris collection and removal in coastal marinas


The Coast Division of the agency Maritime Services and Coast (Department of MOW) has the task of protecting the coast and its hinterland from flooding from the sea. In doing so, Coastal Division attaches great importance to the various coastal functions and seeks to integrate in a sustainable manner the natural, economic, recreational, tourist and culture-related coastal experience. Promoting water-related recreation along the coast and in and around coastal marinas plays an important role in this regard.

The presence of floating debris in and on the water is a disturbing factor in the coastal experience. For this reason, and to prevent the seas from becoming a plastic soup, the Coastal Division wants to further engage in the fight against floating debris. To this end, it wants to encourage companies to develop innovations for the removal of floating and floating debris in coastal marinas. In doing so, it is possible to apply their innovations in real conditions.

Once the debris is collected on the surface of the water, consideration must also be given to how the waste is brought ashore and offered to the final recipients for maximum separation.

Innovative steps can also be taken in the possibility of combining a bundled collection and disposal of the port waste coming from the operation of marinas.
