Mobile Fire Brigade Information Centre (MobiBIC)


In order to pinpoint the needs and challenges of the MobiBIC project, a preliminary process was conducted in collaboration with the consulting firm Addestino. As part of this preliminary process, and in order to bring together and 'match' the supply and demand for the MobiBIC project, an online market consultation was held on Friday 7 May 2021.

During the market consultation, the most important use cases for both BZA and the market players were tested, prioritised and weighed on their technical feasibility and innovation level. The aim was to find out to what extent companies can offer solutions for BZA's needs and requirements and how (technically, budget-wise, ...) feasible and innovative these solutions are.

The presentations given during the market consultation by BZA, PIP and Addestino can be found below (in Dutch).

The final report of the preliminary process (including the market consultation) is available below (in Dutch).
