Online Booking and Payment (OBP)


Together with the City of Ghent and District 09, we were looking for a partner (with possible subcontractors) to create an easily accessible online marketplace where citizens can view, select and pay for a diverse range of products and services.  

The selection guideline was published on 12 October 2020 on e-procurement.

Applications were due by 13 November 2020. The eligible candidates were expected to come and 'pitch' their application online on 25 November 2020.

On December 21, 2020, District09 selected some candidate-suppliers. They were invited to submit an offer by 6 April 2021. In the following months (April-August 2021), District09 conducted negotiations with the candidate-suppliers. 

On 13 September 2021, the decision was taken to award the contract to Pencil42. 


Consult all documents of this project here: Online reserveren en betalen bij Stad Gent - Dropbox
