Predictive maintenance on lock gates


Addestino Innovation Management supported MOW in preparing for the acquisition. During June 2020, workshops were organized with stakeholders to focus on the needs. On September 3, 2020 in the afternoon, a market consultation was organized to explore how the market could meet MOW's needs.

The consultation was aimed at integrators and suppliers of professional solutions for placement on lock gates and the nearby environment, who can provide a pragmatic rollout of sensors and readout devices to provide the necessary measurement values. Likewise, we invited suppliers of innovative sensors and research groups that could provide a professional solution or had expertise for the specific challenge of monitoring in a lock environment.

Addestino Innovation Management compiled the insights gained during this preliminary process into a report (September 2020) that can be found under documents.

The report is written in Dutch, but an English executive summary is available at the front of the report.

