

Needs analysis and market consultation

The needs analysis and market consultation of this project was supervised by Addestino Innovation Management.

The market consultation took place on 14 June 2018 in Ghent. The presentations and results of the workshop are attached here.

The conclusions of the market consultation determined the further approach of the project.  

The presentation and report can be found at the bottom of the page under documents.

Preparation test period

The Domestic Administration Agency wants to encourage the market of e-gov players and software suppliers of local governments to innovate and adapt their systems and tools to the needs for administrative data exchange.

Agency Inner Administration wishes to organise a test or competition for software vendors. The test should examine to what extent software developers succeed in offering support to local governments for 'linked note-taking' via minutes management packages.

Agentschap Binnenlands Bestuur has appointed a neutral party (or validator) who will be responsible for assessing the minimum conformity of minute-taking applications with the new standards on publishing linked decisions.

The validator's tasks will include defining the validation methodology (test scenarios, criteria), setting up and managing the necessary infrastructure, organising the validation period, supervising the validation, evaluating and reporting the results of the participants.

The specifications for the appointment of the validator can be found at the bottom of the page under documents.  The submission of bids closed on Thursday 20 September 2018.

PwC has been appointed as validator and is supporting the Domestic Administration Agency in the organisation and implementation of the successive test periods.  
