Smart ferrying: integrated system for assisted sailing and information sharing


DAB Fleet of the Agency for Maritime Services and Coast is an important actor in the provision of public waterborne passenger transport and automobility at various locations in Flanders.

The Ghent-Terneuzen Canal is a busy canal where the ferry service faces many challenges on a daily basis. Safety and smoothness require constant attention due to the presence of other vessels on the ferry's route.

The ferry in 'Langerbrugge' transfers pedestrians, cyclists and motorised traffic on the Ghent-Terneuzen canal. In order to make the crossing and docking more customer-friendly, safe, comfortable, economical and faster, DAB Vloot, together with PIO, wants to develop a new self-learning system that will assist the skipper during the crossing, docking and docking process and when making decisions. The system should also automatically enable extensive information sharing between sailing personnel and passengers.
