Smart Fountains


In autumn 2020, the expectations regarding 'smarter fountains' were further delineated. The feasibility of the technological fulfilment of those expectations will now be tested against the options already currently available on the market. To this end, a market consultation took place on 19 March.

The market consultation examined the extent to which companies can provide solutions to the needs and requirements of the City of Antwerp and AG Vespa, and how innovative and feasible (in terms of time, budget, development path, etc.) these solutions are.

The slides from the consultation and the use cases discussed are available at the bottom of the page under documents.

Addestino has incorporated the insights gained from the preparation process and the market consultation into a final report that can be downloaded here: PDF icon smartfonteinen-report-def_20210506.pdf

The City of Antwerp together with AG Vespa and Digipolis are now considering the follow-up approach and which contract will now be placed in the market concretely.
