Speech technology for reporting in the Flemish Parliament


Conclusions test day: conclusion of the PIP project

From the results of the test day, the Flemish Parliament concluded that the current state of the speech-to-text technology for Dutch is insufficient to be useful for the reporting services of the Flemish Parliament. The use of this technology in the context of the Flemish Parliament does not result in efficiency gains but rather losses.

Therefore, to meet the needs of the Flemish Parliament, significant investments in the further development of the technology are still required. The Flemish Parliament has decided not to invest (financially) in this until further notice and thus not to take on the role of 'innovator'. However, the Flemish Parliament will continue to closely follow the further evolution of the technology and the market and, in this respect, will also keep in touch with other parliamentary assemblies (especially in the Dutch-speaking region) in order to possibly function as an 'early adopter' at the time when the technology has reached sufficient maturity to be used efficiently. In this sense, the Flemish Parliament also invites the research institutions and market players involved to make full use of the video files of its meetings, which are available as open data on its website, as test material for the further development of the technology.

This conclusion of the Flemish Parliament also marks the conclusion of this PIP project.
