Amount of the TETRA project subsidy

The amount of the support amounts to a maximum of 92.5% of the project costs. At least 7.5% of the costs must be paid for by the target group (via private means). 

The Flemish government yearly sets a budget for TETRA projects.  

In addition to one call per year for TETRA projects, there are additional thematic TETRA project calls (e.g. TETRA-Hogescholen-AI) and a call  within the framework of the international cooperation CORNET (COllective Research NETworking).

Characteristics of the different TETRA projects


  • Number: one call per year (opening autumn) 
  • Online submission: before the deadline (spring – cfr. call document) 
  • Duration: two years 
  • Budget: min. €100,000 – max. €480,000 
  • Applicant(s) together min. 2/3 of the total budget 
  • Large subcontracts (each > €10,000) together max. 10% of the total budget


  • Number: two calls per year (opening spring and autumn) 
  • Submit by email: before the deadline of submission (see
  • Duration: two years (up to max. three years) 
  • Budget: min. €100,000 – max. €480,000 
  • Applicant(s) together min. 2/3 of the total budget 
  • Large subcontracts (each > €10,000) together max. 10% of the total budget



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1030 Brussels
