Augmenting Health Data Using AI

The SAVE DATA project – a consortium of MEDVIA, Vito and imec – invites you to Augmenting Health Data Using AI, a free seminar on the opportunities and challenges involved in implementing and sustaining AI applications to secure health data.

Dit event is afgelopen

We know that AI can significantly enhance the collection and utilization of health data in a variety of ways, including in predictive analytics, remote monitoring, diagnostics and drug development. But there is a lot to consider when applying artificial intelligence to your data, including:

  • Data quality: High-quality, diverse datasets are essential
  • Privacy: Data is sensitive and subject to strict privacy regulations
  • Interoperability: Data is often siloed across different systems and formats
  • Collaboration: AI developers need to collaborate closely with healthcare professionals 

Join SAVE DATA at our upcoming seminar to hear about these challenges and potential solutions. The event is free of charge and in English.


12.00-13.00 Registration & lunch

13.00-14.00 Starting with AI: Overcoming barriers to implementation

  • Willemien Laenens, Knowledge Centre Data & Society / AI Blind Spots in Healthcare
    Introducing a card set that helps care professionals avoid replicating societal biases and structural inequalities
    in the design, development and implementation of AI systems
  • Gokhan Ertaylan, Vito / From Lab to Clinic: Accelerating AI’s Journey in Healthcare
    The transformative journey of AI in healthcare, from initial conception to full clinical deployment

14.00-15.20 Applying AI best practices

  • Lorin Werthen-Brabants, imec / Trustworthy ML for Healthcare: Challenges and Developments
    Key challenges to ensuring TML in healthcare settings, such as data privacy, algorithmic bias and model interpretability, as well as recent strategies to overcome these challenges
  • Lode Goossens, Hylyght

There will be a 20-minute break at 14.30

15.20-16.30 Ensuring continuity of AI applications

  • Katrien Verbert, KU Leuven / Bridging the Gap: Human-Centered Explainable AI (XAI) in Healthcare
    Explainability methods that are tailored to the needs of healthcare professionals and patients, as well as the results of user studies that investigate how such explanations interact with personal characteristics, such as expertise and need for cognition
  • Jonas De Vylder, Barco / Keeping AI-powered Medical Devices Safe and Effective
    Regulatory hurdles of AI-powered medical devices, including AI’s ability to learn and adapt and methods to ensure that AI-based tools reach clinicians wihtout compromising patient well-being

16.30-17.30      Networking reception

What is SAVE DATA?

This workshop is hosted by SAVE DATA, one of VLAIO’s Coock projects. SAVE DATA, a collaboration among Vito, imec and MEDVIA, works with companies, non-profits, governments and knowledge institutions to make health pathways – both preventive and curative – more accessible in a safe, ethical and transparent manner.

What is Coock?

Coock stands for Collectief Onderzoek & Ontwikkeling en Collectieve Kennisverspreiding/-transfer, or Collective R&D and Dissemination/Transfer of Knowledge. Funded by VLAIO, Coock projects allow a research institute to share the building blocks of specific technology with industry or public/governmental concerns. The goal of Coock projects is to valorize research results by accelerating the introduction of technology and knowledge to a broad group of companies.

Dit event is afgelopen



De Winkelhaak Lange Winkelhaakstraat 26 2060 Antwerpen