Webinar: Internationaal schalen van je sociale innovatie

What does it take to scale a social innovation to other countries? In this webinar, we present you a basic roadmap for transnational scaling. Learnings from 9 Belgian cases are shared as well.

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Social innovators find solutions for societal challenges such as poverty, exclusion, climate change… Having an innovative product, service or model that has positive impact, it feels logic to scale this solution.

Why not scaling to other countries? But what works in one place, might need another approach to scale elsewhere. In this webinar, we present you a basic roadmap for transnational scaling. Learnings from 9 Belgian cases (Cokido, Papillon, Welcome To My Garden, Koalect, Hop Up…) are shared as well.

The webinar ends with interaction amongst the participants. In this way, everyone is able to share questions and solutions about transnational scaling.

Uiterste inschrijvingsdatum
Sociale Innovatiefabriek

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