Austria – Belgium: 1st Call for Proposals for Joint R&D Projects

Belgium and Austria are announcing the 1st Call for Proposals for joint R&D projects, focusing on developing innovative products and applications in all technological and application areas. Applicants are expected to develop solutions ready for market or projects which have strong market potential, nevertheless the project has to include technological risks, research and experimental development. 

Time Schedule

  • Opening of the Call: 01.03.2019
  • Deadline for EUREKA Application: 30.09.2019 12:00 CET
  • Deadline for national full proposal: 30.09.2019 
  • Consensus meeting of funding agencies and label: January .2020
  • Funding Decision and Project Start: March 2020

Within the cooperation practices existing between Belgium and Austria in the fields of industrial and technological research and development (hereinafter called “R&D Cooperation”) in the framework of the Eureka program, in which both countries are full and active members, participants from both countries are invited to submit joint project proposals for Eureka Network Projects.

Call description

Belgium and Austria are announcing the 1st Call for Proposals for joint R&D projects, focusing on developing innovative products and applications in all technological and application areas. Applicants are expected to develop solutions ready for market or projects which have strong market potential, nevertheless the project has to include technological risks, research and experimental development. 


This call invites projects in ALL thematic areas, reflecting the bottom-up approach of the Eureka Network projects.

Eligibility criteria

In order to apply to the present call, partners must meet the following qualifications:

  • The partners should include at least, one Belgian and one Austrian (for profit) company. Participation of research institutes/universities is welcome as subcontractors according to each country’s funding regulations.
  • The Austrian and Belgian partners must express their will to cooperate, on a balanced basis, in the development of a new product, industrial process or service. All involved partners should conduct research and experimental development activities and be able to commercialize the project-results after the project is finished. 
  • The product, process or service must be innovative and there must be a technological risk involved.
  • The project must be equally significant for all partners.
  • The project should have an obvious advantage and added value resulting from the technological cooperation between the participants from the two countries (e.g. increased knowledge base, commercial leads, access to R&D infrastructure etc.).
  • Partners are required, prior to obtaining the Eureka label, to have previously signed a consortium agreement on the commercialization of the product, process or service once the phase of research and development has been completed which includes the ownership and use of know-how and IPR settlements (“Consortium Agreement”).

Any partner whose cooperative R&D project is consistent with the aforesaid criteria can apply to the present call in accordance with the national laws, rules, regulations and procedures in effect in each country.

Submission and approval procedures 

Submission and approval procedures consist of one phase. 

Partners will be asked to submit a short project outline via the Eureka Project Application Form. The completed electronic form (the Eureka Project Application Form, available on must be submitted simultaneously until 30.09.2019.

The forms have to be legally signed by all participating companies.

The signatures must be scanned and sent together with the form as an integral part of the application. The forms must be completed in English, signed by both project partners and sent to the program managers. 

  • In AUSTRIA: The Eureka Project Application Form and the signatures must be scanned and sent together as an integral part of the application to: until 30.09.2019. The partners of the consortium should also fill in the national full proposal until 30.09.2019. The National proposal should describe in detail the work of the respective partner by using eCall 
    • Wallonia: A Walloon proposal must be submitted by the 30.09.2019 at 12:00. All information on Walloon conditions are described here.
    • In addition to the centrally submitted EUREKA Project Application Form, partners from Flanders need to submit an application to VLAIO by the 30.09/2019 at 12:00, including a project plan and budget. We invite Flemish partners to contact us for a pre-check of their project ideas. More info:
    • In Brussels the partners of the consortium should also fill in the national full proposal until 30.09.2019. The national/regional proposal should describe in detail the work of the respective Brussels partner and their valorisation via the online form on the Innoviris website.

Each country will fund its eligible participants according to its national procedures and funding rules laws, rules and regulations.

Funding details

National funding to approved project proposals will be considered under the normal national funding schemes for the respective programs. There is no additional budget allocated to this call for projects.

In Austria 

All companies registered in Austria are eligible for funding, universities and research centers can be funded as subcontractors only. In addition to the EUREKA project form the Austrian participant has to submit a separate national full proposal to the General Program (Basisprogramm) via e-Call at the FFG webpage. The evaluation of the Austrian project part is carried out by internal experts. The project must fulfill the national criteria (“Basisprogramm-Leitfaden”). There is no dedicated budget for this call.. Funding in Austria is provided on an annual basis only, therefore follow-on applications must be submitted for the max. duration of 3 years. The funding provided by FFG are grants: 

  • max. 60% of the eligible costs for small companies, 
  • max. 50% of the eligible costs for medium-sized companies and
  • max. 40%for large companies, 

Detailed information on national rules and procedures   

In Belgium: Wallonia

  • Minimum 40% of the Walloon budget must be allocated to an enterprise;
  • The project cannot receive double funding; 
  • The beneficiary must have a stable financial situation; 
  • The beneficiary must have Operational offices in the Walloon Region; 
  • The project must add benefit to the regional economy; 
  • Funding rates are depending of the type of research (Industrial research or Experimental development) and of the type of partnership.

In Belgium: Flanders

Flanders Innovation and Entrepreneurship (VLAIO) is the contact point for entrepreneurs in Flanders. We encourage and support innovation and entrepreneurship, and contribute to a favourable business climate. We help companies with the start-up of their activities, the growth and continuity of their business

In the VLAIO programme only companies can apply for funding via subsidies. Flemish or foreign academic partners or research institutes can be funded by VLAIO if their expertise is crucial for the Flemish partner (company) and if they are subcontracted by this company

In Belgium-Flanders the funding % for companies depends on the type of activities in the project, the size of the company and the participation of at least one SME: between 25% to maximum 60%

In Belgium: Brussels

The finance conditions for Brussels based SME’s are as follows.: They have to develop all or some of its activities within the territory covered by the Brussels-Capital Region, present an innovative RDI project likely to have a favourable impact on employment and/or sustainable development of the Brussels-Capital Region, show one's ability to finance one's share in the project and have fulfilled its obligations in the context of previous support initiatives allocated by the Region. The funding provided by Innvoris are grants: 

  • max. 60% of the eligible costs for small companies, 
  • max. 50% of the eligible costs for medium-sized companies and
  • max. 40% for large companies,

Participants are invited to contact their national project coordinators before submitting the documents in order to check the eligibility of the project idea and consortium. Funding at this extent will be provided only to projects positively evaluated by public funding agencies:  FFG, VLAIO, SPW and Innoviris.

Contacts for details


Irina Slosar
FFG Austrian Research Promotion Agency 
EUREKA / European and International Programmes 
Sensengasse 1
A-1090 Vienna
T +43 (0) 57755 – 4901


Wallonia – SPW-Research
Nicolas Delsaux
T +32 81 33 45 20 – Mobile: +32 473 556 174

Stijn Maas
Charleroisesteenweg 110
1060 Brussel
T +32 (0)2 600 50 67

Geert Thorrez
T +32 2 432 42 97

Supported instruments

This call is open to proposals in all three Eureka instruments: network projects, Eurostars and Eureka Clusters projects. Contact your NPC to find out which instrument is most suitable for your project. 

Networking events

14 – 15 March 2019 – International B2B Software Days 

14 – 16 May 2019 – Manchester, Global Innovation Summit    
