Green investment subsidy

In brief

Planning to make your energy use greener and more efficient?

Do you have plans to switch from fossil fuels (such as natural gas, diesel, heating oil, etc.) to electricity or green energy (such as biogas, green or blue hydrogen) for the heating or cooling of your production processes? Then the ecology premium+ or the new GREEN investment subsidy can help you realise your plans. Subsidy is also available to use your energy more efficiently.

In which technology do you want to invest? 

  1. Check the ecology premium+ technology list
  2. Is your desired technology listed? 
  3. Yes > Submit your application for ecology premium+
  4. No > Check conditions for GREEN investment subsidy

In summary

Who is eligible?
companies investing in the Flemish Region
What is it for?
investment in greening or energy efficiency
20 to 40%, depending on size of company and technology


