R&D feasibility study

How to apply for the R&D feasibility study subsidy

Each enterprise must submit an application document consisting of different components. You can find the corresponding templates for these components at the bottom of this page. The documents that must be filled out are the template concerning the project description of the business case and the template concerning the budget. More information about determining the budget can be found in the guide to the cost model. Additionally, each business partner will be requested to provide VLAIO with some specific financial information. 

If you have gathered all this information and filled in the templates (in Dutch or English), you can submit your application. This must happen electronically (pink button at the top of this page). In order to secure the personal data to a maximum extent, you must register by means of a federal token or an electronic identity card.   

After you have submitted the application document, you will receive an acknowledgement of the submission from Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship. If this is not the case, then please contact VLAIO.  After you have submitted your application, the following three steps will be taken in chronological order: 

  • Step 1: In this step VLAIO will assess your application on eligibility. No news is good news. VLAIO will contact you within two weeks (depending on the number of current applications) to schedule a meeting between you and a VLAIO project advisor. 
  • Step 2: During your meeting with the VLAIO project advisor, you will need to convince the Agency of why it should subsidize your business case, of why your company will benefit from this project and of the quality of your development project. As this conversation will determine the outcome of your application, you should come to this meeting well-prepared.  
  • Step 3: After your conversation with the VLAIO project advisor, VLAIO has all the information it needs and it will make a decision as to whether or not your project meets the criteria and will receive funding (Possibly, some extra conditions will be set.). After a decision has been made, you will receive a letter stating and motivating the outcome of your application. 

