
SME Growth subsidy

Amount of the SME Growth subsidy

Small or medium-sized businesses can receive a maximum subsidy of 50,000 euro through the SME Growth subsidy. The subsidy amounts to a maximum of 25,000 euro per advice trajectory with an external service producer and/ or recruitment. 

The aid percentage is defined as 50% of the advice and/ or labour cost. 

To be eligible for the subsidy, the project amount must be at least 20,000 euro (excl. VAT) per individual advice.

 External strengthening = consultancy, knowledge institute or consultancy firm Internal strengthening = recruitment 
Subsidy %50%50%
Maximum subsidy€25,000€25,000

The eligible costs are:  

  • invoices for services purchased at an external service provider who gives advice about the trajectory; 
  • labour costs for the additional recruitment of a person appropriate for realizing the trajectory and for assuring knowledge about the business for the subsequent post-trajectory. 

The labour cost is defined as the direct gross yearly salary or wages of the recruited strategic employee multiplied by a factor of 1.596. Holiday pay, end-of-year bonuses, the legally obligated employer’s contributions, contribution employee luncheon vouchers and contributions to group insurance, extra-legal pension, and/ or other extra-legal advantages are explicitly excluded. 

The newly recruited person must be recruited with an employment contract for an indefinite period and must have been employed for at least 6 months in order to benefit from aid.  

The external service provider does not need specific recognition. However, it will be investigated whether the concerned advisor has the relevant competences and experience (=CV/ track record) in order to realize the assignment.

