
SME Growth subsidy

How to apply for the SME Growth subsidy

Each SME must go through a specific procedure to apply for this subsidy. The application period depends on the nature of the growth strategies.  

Applying for the SME Growth subsidy can be done via a competitive call; each call will have a certain theme. For 2024, three calls are foreseen: 

Call 1: application period: March 20th until April 15th 2024 

Call 2: application period: July 1th until August 31th 2024

Call 3: application period: November 20th until December 12th 2024 

A digital application form which can be found on our website needs to be filled out. During the online application, you will be requested to upload a filled out project description. 

The application takes place before the commencement of the employment of the newly recruited advisor or before the commencement of the advice performances. 

There is a limit of one subsidy per company over a period of 36 months.



Koning Albert II-laan 35 box 12
1030 Brussels
