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AgroEcology Partnership

The AgroEcology partnership exists in the context of Horizon Europe collaboration programs. Partnerships are the successors of the ERANET program, and aim to tackle global challenges including modernization through focused research and development activities. The EU and associated countries, as well as the private sector, research institutes, and other stakeholders, play a significant role in this process.

Agro-ecologie” is a moniker that refers to an ecological approach to agriculture by using natural processes, aids, and services as optimally as possible, while damaging these same things as little as possible. The AgroEcology partnership focuses specifically on the development of “living labs” and research infrastructure to realize the transition to ecological agriculture. A “living lab” is an open innovation ecosystem where innovations can be tested in real-life contexts, across time, with multiple involved stakeholders. Living labs are specifically encouraged in the context of the AgroEcology partnership, but are not obligatory: other projects which benefit the agroecological transition are also eligible.

66 funding agencies and involved parties are working together to establish Co-Fund project calls focused on the European transition to ecological agriculture, to stimulate research in the relevant fields, and steer policy in a corresponding direction. The European Commission foresees a top-up to allow for additional project funding.

The first co-funded project call was launched on the 15th of February 2024. This project call focuses on two primary themes:

  • Agro-ecology at the farm level
  • Agro-ecology at the landscape level

A project application for the AgroEcology partnership requires applicants from at least three different participating countries (more info about participating countries below). You can find out more about the first project call by following this link.

The AgroEcology partnership has an additional 6 annual co-funded projet calls planned beyond this one. Different themes can be applied, but will consistently fit in the plan to achieve an agro-ecological transition in Europe.

Composition of the consortium

The following countries have participating entities which can request subsidies in the partnership, and with who collaborations are possible. 

  • Belgium
    • Both Flanders and Wallonia
  • Cyprus
  • Denmark
  • Estonia
  • Finland
  • France
  • Germany
  • Hungary
  • Iceland 
  • Ireland
  • Italy
  • Lithuania
  • Norway
  • Portugal
  • Romania
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • Türkiye


The AgroEcology partnership will be active from 2024 until 2030.

VLAIO programs for participation

VLAIO participates with:

Focus group

Many different focus groups can apply. Research institutes which work with the agro-ecological transition can apply for an agricultural trajectory. Agro-businesses or related businesses can work together with a research institute in this framework.

All private companies who work on the transition to ecological agriculture can also apply for a research or a development project.

More information

Documents for application

For an agricultural trajectory: AgroEcology partnership annex LA-TR - Annex AgroEcology partnership project applications for agricultural trajectories.

Follow the application procedure for a research project or a development project. Don’t forget to indicate that your project exists in the framework of an international project call!

