Beeld uit onderzoekslabo

Subsidies for international cooperation related to innovation and R&D

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European cooperation between programmes on collective research (CORNET stands for COllective Research NETwork), in which global international project proposals are submitted by a consortium with at least partners from two participating countries or regions. The applicant must be an association (for Flanders, see provisions of COOCK and TETRA). Per partner, a user group with a minimum number of SMEs is required. The project must also contain a research component, to be carried out by a research organisation. The research results are the property of the consortium and are publicly available.

The topics are not thematically limited.

Composition of the consortium

A CORNET project consortium consists of at least two partners from two different countries / regions. Specific eligibility criteria and support modalities apply to each country or region. It is recommended to contact the funding agencies in each country or region where support is requested before submitting the project proposal.

The European support for the network expired at the end of 2010. Flanders Innovation and Entrepreneurship and the other partners of CORNET participate with their own financial resources. The CORNET network organises two calls per year.

Committed programmes

Flanders Innovation and Entrepreneurship participates with COOCK and TETRA. The projects must meet the eligibility criteria for these programmes.

Target audience

The target group for these calls are the non-research-intensive SMEs. The applications are based on the needs of a sector according to the provisions of COOCK and TETRA.

More information?

You can find more information at

Documents for submission

  • CORNET TETRA VL application template: The Flemish annex to CORNET application template for TETRA
  • CORNET COOCK VL application template: The Flemish appendix to CORNET application template for COOCK
  • Cost model TETRA template
  • Cost model COOCK template

A specific question about CORNET? Contact, T +32 2 432 42 76

