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Support for innovative starters

Who is eligible for the support for innovative starters?

Enterprises and their projects can only be eligible for this subsidy if they meet certain criteria. 

Only SEs that are less than 2 years old and that are active in the Flemish Region are eligible for this subsidy. 
The size of the business is determined according to the European SME definition. 

Each SE can apply for the support for innovative starters once and should have a quasi-equity of at least €5,000. 

Each application will be assessed on acceptability. Each application should meet the following 5 criteria: 

  • Pioneering role: is the starter pushing the accepted limits within his/ her company’s sector? 
  • Challenges and approach: is the chosen approach in alignment with the elimination of the anticipated challenges and does this approach require at least one FTE/ €70,000. 
  • Team and network: does the starter have a competent team and has he/ she built up an adequate network? 
  • Own risk (skin in the game): Which risk do the partners take themselves? 
  • Impact and potential: Is it plausible that the company can and will reach the goal of a minimum of 5 FTE jobs within 5 years after the end of the project? Can the project lead to major economic growth? Does the project have a positive social impact?

