App for healthy food


To sharpen the challenge, a preparatory process was started in mid-January 2018 in collaboration with Addestino Innovation Management.

In a first phase, various work sessions were organized with experts to describe the desired functionalities for the Healthy Food app to be developed from a user point of view and to estimate the innovation potential. These results were confirmed at the end of March 2018 via a written survey in which some 100 experts took part.

A market consultation was organized in Brussels on 4 May 2018; there were 25 participants from companies and knowledge institutions. The market consultation concluded that the development of a Healthy Food app is very challenging and requires a specific approach.

Based on the results of the market consultation, the Flemish Institute for Healthy Living and the Agency for Care and Health have made a selection of a number of related user needs (use cases) that are both relevant and feasible. These formed the basis of the request for quotation that was launched at the beginning of July 2018.

The presentations and results of the workshops and market consultation workshop are attached here under 'documents'.
