App for healthy food


With 'Zeker Gezond', the Institute of Healthy Living brings the nutrition triangle right to your plate. Already on the day of its launch (January 28, 2020), the app reached the mark of 13,000 users, immediately confirming that it responds to an existing need. Two years later, there are more than 70,000 registered users and the accompanying website counts up to 625,000 sessions annually.

The Institute for Healthy Living actively communicates the recipe platform and regularly evaluates the use and accessibility of the app among dieticians and citizens. You can read testimonials from some users on the Healthy Living website.  Institute Healthy Living collaborates with several partners. recently, a new collaboration was established with "healthy bustle" which will provide child-friendly recipes. These will be introduced into Definitely Healthy in the summer months of 2022.  

If you want to learn more about healthy eating, visit or download the app directly from the App Store or Google Play.

Experiences and tips from the Institute Healthy Living for 'innovative public procurement'

  • needs analysis and co-creation with the final target groups is always part of the approach to new initiatives at Healthy Living; 
  • the market consultation as an initial exploration of the possibilities with the developers helped well in drawing up a thorough and detailed specification and choosing an appropriate procurement procedure
  • some of the original innovative functionalities and ideas could not be retained for technical or budgetary reasons, but it is better to have a good and usable product with a slightly more limited innovative character, than a poorly functioning innovative product 
  • it is important to consider from the beginning how the product can be further marketed and optimized or expanded after development and launch. Sufficient resources must also be provided for this.

Healthy cooking for the whole family: not a child's play. And neither is making sure everyone likes it. Since I cook with the app Definitely Healthy, there are only happy faces at the table. And that makes me very happy!

