Book a Place


Mint Point in Brussels provides some 300 study places.  During block and exam periods, these are severely overcrowded.  Zealous students lose precious study time by waiting (sometimes for an hour) at the door. Latecomers keep circulating in the building looking for a place, resulting in noise and nuisance.

To provide users with a more proactive and customer-oriented service, Muntpunt plans to have a solution developed based on 'real-time and presence-based' technology that provides a clear overview (via smartphone, tablet, computer or an info kiosk at the entrance) of available places.  The solution will also have the ability to reserve a study spot and check when an occupied spot becomes available again.  

The desired solution should therefore be customer-friendly for users reserving places, but will also allow more efficient management and monitoring of study places by Mint Point staff to minimise inconvenience for all visitors.

Flanking this is the need to ensure a clear communication & service process for the new system.
