Continuous Auditing based on Technological Evolution and Data Mining


Explanation of project at info session at PIO Call 2021

On March 11, 2021, Tony Mortier explained the project at the information session organized by PIO at Call 2021. You can find it under documents.


The "innovation partnership" procedure was chosen, which allows for the development of the solution and its subsequent implementation. This is a two-step negotiation procedure: selection and award.


The selection guide was published on e-notification on March 24, 2021. Applications were expected by April 27, 2021.

After completion of the selection (mid-May), the selected companies received the specifications with the request to submit a bid.

The following objectives were expected from the partners:

Possess a thorough knowledge and experience in the field of audits and of (innovative) technology (artificial intelligence, natural language processing, machine learning, RPA, OCR, databases, ...). Contributing ideas about the vision and possibilities for rethinking the audit process (including how potential risks within projects will be detected and predicted), as well as translating this vision into technological prescriptions regarding AI, machine learning and data mining.
Providing data sources on top of the data sources that the VAA will share, in order to adequately feed the platform and associated models.
Providing your own investment in the form of co-financing. The VAA makes an investment in each phase of the project and expects its partners to make their own contribution. The VAA aims for a partnership in which both the VAA and the partners contribute equally to the project, but the partners can make their own proposal.
Building and implementing the platform.


Based on the initial offers, negotiations took place with the selected companies, first on the technical part, then on the financial part. The negotiations were concluded on December 7, 2021, with the submission of a best and final offer (BAFO).


Once all administrative steps were taken regarding award decision (December 2021 - January 2022), the VAA was able to conclude the innovation partnership with Deloitte during February 2022.

