Measuring deformations at bridges via INSAR


In early 2020, as part of the project, a preliminary process was initiated with the aim of sharpening the challenge and conducting an in-depth needs analysis among internal stakeholders. Together with Verhaert consultants, several scoping sessions were organized.

An open market consultation was organized online, on Wednesday, October 21, 2020, to find out whether INSAR can be used in the daily management of bridges and to investigate which type of satellite imagery and analysis are best suited for this purpose.

During the online event, several possible scenarios were discussed to meet the needs of the contracting authority. The market participants and experts were invited to give feedback on these using mentimeter.

The presentations given during the market consultation, the final report summarizing the findings of the preparation process and the market consultation can be found under documents.

Together with Xperta, we translated the insights from the preparatory process into a government contract, which we launched in May 2021.

