Multi-purpose Security and Communication Platform (MSCP)


Digipolis, in consultation with BZA, has put out to tender a contract for the realisation of phase 1 of the MSCP via its tried and tested tender procedure Buy from start-ups. This is a 'light' tendering approach specifically aimed at involving small(er) innovative market players in contracts of Digipolis and combines the negotiated procedure without prior publication with some aspects of Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP). Buy from start-ups is a two-step procedure in which first suitable candidates for a contract are selected and then negotiations are conducted with the selected candidates who have submitted an offer. These negotiations result, whether or not via a Best and Final Offer (BAFO), in the award of the contract.

The contract now put out to tender aims to develop a communication and collaboration platform in the form of an intervention context store compiled using different forms of data from different sources and systems. This intervention context store, which must be dynamic, safe, fast, reliable and scalable, is crucial to support collaboration between the various emergency services, in particular to be able to offer a unique truth ('single source of truth') about a multidisciplinary intervention.

The contract for the development of a communication and collaboration platform in the form of an intervention context store was awarded to the supplier Cronos Public Services NV / InfoFarm.
