Network of Information & Technology Skills (NoITS)


With the PIO project Network of Information & Technology Skills (NoITS), V-ICT-OR wants to alleviate the need for IT profiles at local governments by having a digital platform developed on which, always in accordance with public procurement legislation (equality, competition and transparency), the demand (= local governments with their need for IT profiles) and the supply (= IT profiles from various supply options) can meet each other.

The intended solution should ensure that the specific need on the demand side (local governments) can be optimally matched with the great diversity on the supply side (available IT profiles). On the one hand, the solution should include a matchmaking functionality through which the demander is immediately presented with a number of potentially suitable IT profiles via competency search criteria and on the basis of the desired IT competencies (with emphasis on 'I[nformation]' or on 'T[echnology]'). On the other hand, the solution should also indicate whether there are other local boards with similar needs. This makes it possible to deploy IT profiles individually or collectively (shared), temporarily or permanently, and around information ('I') or around technology ('T'). Such a community-based set-up not only builds a bridge between supply and demand but also indicates whether there are other administrations with the same needs.

Both within the Flemish government and within (some) local administrations, there are already framework agreements that enable the use of IT profiles. Sometimes these framework agreements are also already linked to web-based IT profile platforms that can be consulted by several administrations,

However, such platforms do not (yet) offer a general overview of the competences per IT profile offered. Integration of existing framework agreements could already generate considerable knowledge around specific IT competencies. Moreover, the visualization of the demand side and the possibilities of setting up a collective demand side with the currently available solutions/platforms remain underexposed.

With NoITS, V-ICT-OR wants to explore how the existing offer can be extended with all possible innovative ways of tendering and offering IT profiles. Through the NoITS portal, a community should emerge that clearly identifies the supply side but especially the demand side and also facilitates demand sharing.

In that regard, V-ICT-OR also wants to explore (in addition) whether a system can be set up where the shared deployment of IT profiles by governments can also be shared paid with virtual resources (crypto money).
