Network of Information & Technology Skills (NoITS)


Preliminary process

V-ICT-OR has, together with the stakeholders (local governments) and in coordination with the market (developers), gone through an extensive preliminary process in the framework of NoITS. That preliminary process included the sharpening of the needs assessment and the alignment between demand (IT tasks and activities at local authorities) and supply (IT profiles), including the state-of-the-art determination. From the preliminary process, V-ICT-OR concluded that the innovation partnership would be the appropriate procurement procedure for NoITS.

However, after conducting the procedure, V-ICT-OR decided to put NoITS on hold for the time being. Too high (additional) costs for project guidance and follow-up that V-ICT-OR as a non-profit organization has to bear itself and too low chances of success that are currently seen for the project are the main reasons for this decision. V-ICT-OR will continue to follow the evolutions internally so that it can pick up NoITS again when there is (again) sufficient interest and demand from the local authorities and (possibly) also from the Flemish government.
