Quickscan Organisaties


The POC's made it clear to CJM that the technology is ready to develop a well functioning Quickscan that can create added value for the CJM Staff. 

However an important precondition for the tool to function properly, is the availability of clear data sets. So far these data sets are not available in the CJM Departement. In order to make the Quickscan possible, CJM will have to modernize its data management (to allow for a broader collection of structured data), meanchile harmonizing and streamlining its procedures among the various teams at stake. Only when the results of these other data, digitalisation and transition projects that are ongoing within CJM, are known, there will be more clarity about how the Quickscan fits into the larger puzzle, and further steps can be taken by CJM. 

The report evaluating the three POCs can be found under 'documents'. 
