Smart personalisation of cultural offerings in Antwerp Testing (Socrates)


The intended DXP-MVP (phase 2 of SOCRATES) consisted of three components, each of which was tendered as a separate assignment ('challenge'): data aggregation (SOCRATES 1), development of a recommendation engine (SOCRATES 2) and development of a front-end assistant (SOCRATES 3).

The three contracts were tendered through Digipolis' proven Buy from startups procurement procedure. This is a 'light' procurement approach specifically aimed at involving small(er) innovative market players in Digipolis' procurements and combines the Negotiation Procedure Without Prior Notice (OZVB) with some aspects of Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP). Buy from startups is a two-stage procedure that first selects suitable candidates for a contract and then conducts negotiations with the selected candidates who have submitted bids. Those negotiations result, through a Best and Final Offer (BAFO) or otherwise, in the award of the contract.

The contracts were awarded to the following suppliers:

  • SOCRATES 1 (data aggregation) and SOCRATES 2 (recommendation engine) to InfoFarm NV;
  • SOCRATES 3 (front-end assistant) to Xplore Group.

In the context of testing and validation (phase 3 of SOCRATES), another limited contract was tendered (to U-Sentric) for the supervision of the testing and validation process of the DXP-MVP and, through contract extensions, additional technical support for the testing and validation process was ordered from InfoFarm and Xplore Group.
