Smart Regulation


The Domestic Administration Agency (ABB), together with the Department of Chancellery and Foreign Affairs (DKBZ), published an initial brief under the Smart Regulation project on e-notification on 30 September 2021. It was decided to have a proof of concept developed for one or a few priority use cases in this first phase.  

Taking into account the preliminary process, ABB and DKBZ, together with the partners, selected the following use cases for the first phase:
Use Case 1: as a regulator, I can automatically categorise decisions based on a manually managed (hierarchical) taxonomy so that the relevance of a decision to certain domains is clear.

Use Case 2: as a citizen, I can look up all relevant/applicable regulations based on non-predefined, self-selected topics (e.g. subsidies, renovations, waste, regulator,...) so that I am informed about the regulations that interest me (personally).

Use Case 3: as a citizen, I can filter information/decisions/regulations based on various themes & terms automatically added by the system so that I can find information more easily and in a more structured way.

You can find all the information about the contract and how to submit a tender in the contract notice on e-notification. The deadline for submission of tenders has been moved from Monday, 25 October 2021 to Friday, 29 October 2021 - 12 noon.

There was an online info session on Friday, 15 October 2021 at 9.30am (in the morning) on this assignment.
