Wave flume for advanced research into the influence of waves on our coastal defences


The consequences of climate change will be felt increasingly, such as rising sea levels or more violent storms. These changes must be duly taken into account in the construction of coastal, harbour and river structures.

Flanders Hydraulics Research conducts theoretical and practical research into the effects of waves on our coast. In order to allow such research, a "wave flume" is needed to verify theoretical calculations and models on scale models. The results are then used to design and validate coastal defences.

Flanders Hydraulics Research aims at the construction of a new flume with the aim to obtain a higher precision in the measurements, state-of-the-art measurements with lasers and cameras as well as tests carried out automatically.

This will lead to the creation of a new research tool with the aim of carrying out the necessary research over the next 30 years to protect Flanders against the forces of the sea in the event of climate change and rising sea levels.
