Wave flume for advanced research into the influence of waves on our coastal defences


The launch of the tender for the building of the wave flume for advanced research. The Contract notice to announce the launch of the tender was published in TED.

The procedure used is a competitive procedure with negotiations. In the first step of the procedure, candidates are invited to submit their candidacy at the latest by 10 May 2021 on e-notification (https://enot.publicprocurement.be/enot-war/home.do). The contracting authority makes an initial evaluation of the candidates based upon the grounds of exclusion and the selection criteria published in the attached Selection Document/Guide for candidates.

Following this assessment, all candidates will be informed whether they have been selected to participate to the Tender Phase or not. In the Tender Phase, the selected candidates will receive the procurement documents and will be invited to submit a tender that will be evaluated against the award criteria specified in the tender documents. The contract will be awarded after the evaluation of the tenders.
